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A Week in Victoria: From Reuniting with Loved Ones to Productive Days

Traveling can be a refreshing change of pace, especially when it involves catching up with family and friends, indulging in relaxation, and mixing in some work-related activities. Recently, I had the opportunity to spend a week in Victoria, a charming city in Australia. This blog post will take you through my exciting journey, from the moment I landed at the airport to the meaningful experiences I had during my stay.

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My adventure began with the epitome of domestic travel luxury – a business class upgrade flight. Despite the early morning departure at 4 AM, the experience was nothing short of exceptional. An Uber ride to the airport was my first step towards this memorable trip. Upon arrival at the airport, I indulged in a coffee and some sumptuous breakfast snacks at the Virgin Lounge – pancakes and berries topped with extra fruit salad from the other end of the bar, and then some egg on toast.

The comfort of my business class seat and the delicious breakfast served on the plane made the long hours of travel a breeze. Although I must admit that every business class flight I take seems like a bit of a waste because I fall asleep pretty quickly and don’t get to enjoy all the benefits, you could argue that the only reason I can actually sleep on a 2-hour domestic flight is because I am in business class.

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After touching down in Victoria, I eagerly made my way home to catch up with family and friends. The exhaustion from the day’s travel led to a well-deserved night of rest.

Homecoming and Reconnecting

After the two-hour drive to my other hometown, the anticipation of reuniting with family and friends made the journey worthwhile. After arriving home, I unpacked and settled in, eager to catch up with my loved ones. The exhaustion from the day’s travel led to a well-deserved night of rest.

Retail Therapy and Indulgence

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Day two started with some retail therapy. I went shopping for cute outfits, embracing the local fashion scene. Victoria’s boutiques offered a fantastic array of styles, making it impossible to resist adding a few new pieces to my wardrobe. Later in the day, I treated myself to a soothing massage, melting away the travel-induced tension. In the evening, my loved ones and I had a delightful dinner at Okami, a local favourite known for its delectable cuisine.

Netflix and Chill

Unfortunately, the weather had other plans for my third day in Victoria, as it rained incessantly and the temperatures dropped. It was the perfect excuse to spend the day lounging around in bed and watching Netflix. Sometimes, the best vacations involve doing absolutely nothing and simply enjoying the comforts of home.

Combining Business with Pleasure

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Day four saw me donning a different hat, as I delved into some work-related activities. I ventured out to view a few properties and conducted two property photoshoots for my business. Victoria’s picturesque surroundings provided the perfect backdrop for my work, and it was a productive day overall.

I absolutely love the process of photographing and staging properties. The shoots went incredibly well, and I’m thrilled with the updated content for my listings and social media platforms. There’s something truly satisfying about capturing the essence of a property and presenting it in its best light. With the stunning Victoria scenery as my canvas, I couldn’t have asked for a better day to create visually appealing content that would showcase these properties to potential buyers.

These successful shoots left me with a sense of accomplishment and pride in my work, reminding me of the joy I find in my professional endeavours.

Meeting New Clients and Quality Time

In the morning, I met with some new clients, which is always an exciting part of my work. Establishing relationships with potential buyers and sellers is not just about business transactions; it’s about understanding their needs, preferences, and aspirations. It’s a chance to listen to their stories and provide them with solutions that align with their goals. These meetings allowed me to showcase my expertise and demonstrate how I could assist them in navigating the real estate market.

Natalie Moore Property stock inspection check list

Later in the day, I shifted gears to property management. I made visits to some of the properties under my care, where I oversee maintenance, stock management, and overall property well-being. Topping up the stock ensures that these spaces are fully equipped and ready for new tenants or homeowners. As I walked through each property, I conducted thorough inspections, making sure that everything was in excellent condition. It’s a responsibility I take seriously and a vital aspect of my work in the real estate industry. It’s moments like these that remind me why I’m passionate about what I do. Every interaction and every property I care for contribute to the growth and success of my business,

Later, I spent some quality time with my dad over a cup of coffee. It’s these small moments that make any journey memorable, as we shared stories and caught up on each other’s lives.

A Day with Family and Helping Hand

Spending quality time with family is always a highlight of any trip, and my journey to Victoria was no exception. On day six, my focus shifted towards my in-laws as we made a special visit to their place. The day’s mission was to work together to put up the framework for a brand-new car garage.

The day began with enthusiasm as we gathered the necessary tools and materials, ready to tackle the project at hand. Working side by side with my in-laws was a joy in itself. Laughter filled the air as we shared stories and caught up on each other’s lives, strengthening the bonds of our family. There’s something incredibly satisfying about seeing a tangible result of your efforts, and this day was no exception. The structure began to take shape, and by the end of our productive day, we had made significant progress.

After saying our goodbyes, it was time for the journey home. I was driven to the airport, where I decided to spend some time in the Virgin Lounge as I waited to board my flight. Unfortunately, there was a bit of a twist in my travel plans. The previous flight was canceled, which meant I didn’t get the anticipated business class upgrade for this leg of the journey. However, the flight was full, so I opted for Economy X, which offered additional comfort and amenities.

Natalie Moore - Dinner at the Melbourne Virgin Lounge

Though the unexpected change in flight arrangements was a minor hiccup, I couldn’t help but reflect on the amazing experiences I had during my week in Victoria. From building a car garage with my in-laws to the productive days of work and relaxation, it was a journey filled with cherished memories and meaningful connections. As I settled into my seat on the plane, I carried those memories with me, knowing that this trip had been a truly unforgettable experience.

Back Home Now

My week in Victoria was a perfect blend of reconnecting with loved ones, relaxation, and productive work-related activities.

After a week filled with adventures, reconnections, and productive activities, it was finally time to head back home. Mum picked me up from the airport, and as I returned, I couldn’t wait to see my tribe of African cichlids. While I was away, my mum and sister had been stopping by to feed and talk to them, and I had a feeling that there might be some exciting developments on the horizon, perhaps some eggs and baby fish in the near future. Only time would tell.

I arrived home around 9:30 in the evening, greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of my own space. The first order of business was a much-needed water change for my beloved aquatic companions. Ensuring their well-being after a trip away was a priority. With the task completed, I finally headed to bed, ready to rest after a day of travel and transition. The memories of my week in Victoria lingered in my mind, and as I closed my eyes, I couldn’t help but smile, knowing that the comfort of home awaited me once more.

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