Natalie Moore - escort natalie moore brandasset (7) - Brisbane Escort

Booking & Escort Etiquette

Natalie provides a refined set of guidelines to ensure a mutually enjoyable and respectful time with her. From punctuality and clear communication to hygiene and tipping, each aspect contributes to a harmonious and gratifying experience. So, let us delve into the art of booking and escort etiquette, allowing you to navigate these interactions with grace, consideration, and an appreciation for the unique connection that awaits you.

Be on time

Punctuality is key. If you anticipate being more than 10 minutes late, please notify Natalie via SMS or phone call.

Clarify your service selection

Clarify your service selection and inquire about its specific details. Ensure that Natalie understands any specific preferences you may have.

Familiarize yourself with the menu in advance and adhere to your choices during the service. Natalie may use slang or abbreviations for included items, so don't hesitate to ask for clarification and ensure your booking aligns with your expectations.

Prioritise payment.

Upon arrival have the cash ready - You should feel confident about asking any questions and confirm your service, inclusions and the fee. Natalie will swiftly handle the transactional aspects, allowing her to focus solely on you.. In Queensland, where sex work is legal, you can either hand the money directly to Natalie or place it where she can see it.

Hygiene is vital.

 Prioritize cleanliness by taking a thorough shower, especially if you're coming directly from work. Natalie provides men's shower gel, shampoo, deodorant, and other amenities for your use. If necessary, you can quickly shave or groom at the location. A well-maintained hygiene routine ensures Natalie can provide the best possible service.

Ask for a pause to discuss changes & expectations

Pay attention to Natalie's cues. If you engage in activities beyond your selected service, Natalie will politely guide you back to the intended experience, preserving the ambiance for your enjoyment. Should you miss the subtle hint, Natalie will kindly communicate any necessary adjustments. If your needs change during the service, feel free to request a brief pause to discuss additional services and negotiate any associated fees. If you need to confirm or clarify expectations at any point, before or during a service,  please always ask. 

Respect and kindness are essential.

Treat Natalie with the courtesy you would extend to any lady. Remember, she is a genuine person, and there is no need for intimidation or superiority.

Be yourself.

Don't feel pressured to impress sexually. While it's commendable to prioritize Natalie's pleasure, remember that she is there for you. Holding back initially to prolong the experience often leads clients to frustration and may impact your service. You can always reciprocate after if you desire, but there's no obligation.

Communication is key.

Natalie has her own preferences, just like you do. If there's anything you're uncomfortable with, feel free to express it. Your comfort and satisfaction are paramount.

Stay or Go, Natalie Welcomes Your Decision

Afterward, it's entirely acceptable to leave promptly if needed. Whether you have work obligations or prefer not to engage in extended conversations or cuddling, do what feels right for you. Natalie will appreciate the downtime. Alternatively, if you have established rapport or chemistry and wish to enjoy each other's company, feel free to stay for the entire duration. Natalie will be happy either way.

Respecting the Boundaries

Avoid requesting free services. Remember that Natalie is a professional providing a valuable service. Asking for free or discounted encounters is inappropriate and goes against the boundaries that both parties should respect.

Enjoy a drink together, but no party favours thank you. 

If you'd like to share a small glass of wine, a beer, or other alcohol with Natalie, please ensure the bottle is unopened upon arrival. Natalie may have a selection of wine available. A drink can help create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, acting as a social lubricant for the limited time you have together.

Additionally, it is important to note that it is strictly prohibited to ask for or to bring drugs into Natalie's place of business. Please respect the boundaries and ensure a safe and drug-free environment for both parties involved.

A tip on tipping and gifts

It's highly recommended to tip Natalie, as well as any other escort you engage with (unless the service was unsatisfactory). Even a modest amount, such as $10 or $100, demonstrates your appreciation for her time and effort.

Gifts and reviews. If you wish to bring a gift, it's always safe to consider lingerie, gift certificates, or cash. Popular stores like Amazon, eBay, Bras n Things, JB Hi-Fi, or Bunnings are favourites for Natalie. For a more personalized touch, jewlery or perfume can be appropriate once you know your escort better. 

Sharing Your Experience

Your feedback is valuable to Natalie, and she appreciates reviews from clients who have had the pleasure of spending time with her. Before leaving a review, kindly inquire if she would like to be reviewed and ask for the preferred platform or method. If you prefer to maintain privacy and avoid leaving a digital footprint, you can send a review via SMS.  Natalie will ensure your number remains concealed or obscured.

When composing your review, strive for conciseness and honesty. By providing an accurate account of your experiences, including details about service inclusions and exclusions, you help future clients make informed decisions. Your feedback contributes to creating a transparent and reliable reference for others, ensuring they know what to expect and fostering a respectful environment for all involved.
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Natalie Moore - escort natalie moore brandasset - Brisbane Escort

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