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Still Just Next Door – Thats the plan

Change is a constant in life, they say, and soon it will be manifesting in my own life as I prepare to move to a new apartment. As much as I’ve cherished the comfort of my current place, the time has come to seek new surroundings, and while I was not thrilled at first, now I couldn’t be more excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

Stones Corner and Woolloongabba will remain as the main spots for my potential new neighborhoods they have been a constant in my daily routine and Im not wanting to give up exploring the cafes, parks, and local shops and my morning outdoor adventures. Everyone dreads a move, but it’s not just about finding a new roof over my head; it’s about embracing a fresh environment that aligns more closely with my current lifestyle.

Natalie Moore - photo by casey schackow - Brisbane Escort

While a new abode is a thrilling prospect, the move is not – it comes with its logistical challenges. My schedule is starting to fill with commitments, making it crucial for visitors to schedule their appointments in advance if it is at all possible. As much as I’d love to accommodate all the usual short-notice requests I enjoy, the next couple of weeks may requires a tad more planning ahead. I will still have Mondays and Tuesdays from 9am till 5pm as my set short notice times, with the other days remaining I’ll work when I am available, it may be a little hit and miss as it has been over the last couple of weeks. Im sorry to say.

Recently I’ve realised how much I value routine in my daily life. I was certain of being a happy-go-lucky and move with the tide kinda gal, but this unexpected upheaval has shown me the importance of my comforting daily rhythm and familar surroundings. Nevertheless, this move signifies growth and new opportunities, reminding me that change often brings unforeseen benefits.

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I adore the little details of my current apartment, like how perfectly my coffee machine and water station fit into the kitchen nook. Over time, I’ve grown fond of unexpected features, like my deep wardrobe with swinging doors instead of what I initially desired as sliding mirrored doors. It’s proven to be incredibly practical—I can lock the handles to keep my sexy lingerie and toys discreetly tucked away when friends or family drop by. Reflecting on a recent hotel stay where floor-to-ceiling mirrors adorned the wardrobe doors, I appreciated the allure of such openness, yet I’ve come to prefer a touch of mystery in my bedroom space.

One of the most exciting aspects of relocating will be setting up my new apartment and the prospect of a new gym, a different pool, and perhaps a stunning view of the city skyline is certainly alluring. I plan on creating a chill outdoor space and that is high on my list of priorities. A balcony where my visitors can relax for a glass of wine or a casual chat is a must. For those who enjoy the occasional smoke, I envision a discreet corner where we can secretley indulge comfortably.

I don’t necessarily need a pet-friendly place. To be honest, I’m probably too selfish for a dog, and I’m not a cat person either. I value the freedom to choose whether or not I want to go for a walk, and I prefer not dealing with litter boxes or leaving water bowls around my floor—visitors know I like a semi-lived-in show home feel. Back to my admitted selfishness: I can even travel interstate without feeling like a neglectful fish mom, turning on the autofeeder suits me and them just fine. So, my new apartment must be perfect for my 12 African cichlids, cheeky blue yabby, pleco, and the unexpected 30 peacock fry that appeared during my last visit to Victoria.

Amidst the dreaded logistics and planning, there’s a sense of excitement about this new chapter that awaits. It’s not just about finding a new apartment (actually it very much is, because I have to leave) it’s about embracing change and all the opportunities it brings.

Dont worry though, I will be staying nearby to Stones Corner or Woolloongabba. Though the decision awaits, and I eagerly look forward to settling in. So here’s to new beginnings, to setting up a space that nurtures both routine and spontaneity, and to embracing change with open arms.

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