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What do you need to know when you’re visiting a brothel?

It’s just brothel business

You are there to take care of business. Act professionally and friendly, leave after you’re done or once your time is up. If you want to stay longer ask for an extension The lady will usually be able to bring the eftpos machine to you, so you should be right to stay in the nudy and wont have to return to reception. .

Natalie Moore - says keep your wallet keys and phone in view - Brisbane Escort
Keep your wallet keys and phone in view

Bring the money you’ll need to “seal the deal” and keep your belongings in view

Some ladies occasionally go snooping steal. the ladies will not be offended if you take your belongings to the bathroom area when you shower, its always best to be safe than sorry. If you need to extend or pay for extras there will usually be an ATM or eftpos machine available for you nearby.

Don’t cause problems with your chosen babe

Most brothels either employ security or can quickly summon the police. If you cause problems, you may be in for a messy afternoon or evening. If the service doesn’t turn out as expected, and you become angry or upset don’t expect a refund or to be allowed back. Generally the brother and girls wont provide you a refund if you misbehave or breach boundaries and the service is ended early. .

Don’t ask for natural services if you are visiting a brothel

Condoms and Dams are provided when you are visiting a brothel, so expect and ask to USE THEM – Dozens, and sometimes hundreds of men may visit a brother daily. Safe Sexual practices are an absolute must and clients who ask for natural services will often be avoided by the girls. Its best not to ask or hint about it.

Exciting and Luxurious brothels are few and far between

Dark Bedroom with Bed and lamp
Brothels are usually very basic.

Prepared to be bored and don’t expect hotel quality cleaning and room hygiene, Exciting and Luxurious brothels are few and far between. Except for some coloured and dimmed lights, and maybe some nice bathroom tiles, décor is usually minimal although some inner city brothels may offer themed rooms. Aside from the the girls and their lingerie brothels are reasonably plain and dull spaces, with moderate to low levels of cleaning maintained.

Many brothels rely on the girls to clean and disinfect showers, bathrooms, bedside tables and floors between bookings, and some may do an “ok job” of that if they have time – but please I beg you, don’t ever look under the bed or inspect the bathrooms too closely. Rest assure you will be provided with a clean drop sheet and pillow case for the bed, plus a towel and bathmat but don’t expect these to be 1000 thread count or of hotel quality.

If you want more Brothel and Sex Worker Client Tips, read Natalie’s blog articles about What to expect in the pre service health check or Why you should pay extras when you visit a brothel in QLD.

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